
iPhone 4S becomes available in China and 21 Other Countries Next Week

Friday, January 13th is going to be a lucky day for iPhone fans in China and 21 other countries, as the iPhone 4S becomes available in those countries around the world. But unlike your other run-of-the-mill international launches, the Chinese launch of the iPhone 4S will play a significant role in the device's—and Apple's—success in the coming quarters, largely thanks to the country's rapid rate of economic growth and increasing demand for Apple products.

Chinese customers will soon be able to buy the iPhone 4S without having to import the device from elsewhere, as Apple announced on Wednesday that it would launch the iPhone 4S there. On Jan. 13, Apple will roll out the latest iPhone to the following countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, China, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Grenada, Guam, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos, and Uganda.

The newest group will bring the total number of countries that have the iPhone 4S to more than 90. Will Siri actually be able to speak and understand Mandarin? Eventually, yes. An Apple spokesman said the company plans to add official language support in 2012 — and that will include Chinese. But Siri won't yet be multilingual when the phone hits Chinese stores this month.
China is one of the world's largest mobile device markets, with close to a billion cellphone users by some estimates. “Customer response to our products in China has been off the charts,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said: “With the launch in China next week, iPhone 4S will be available in over 90 countries making this our fastest iPhone rollout ever.” China Unicom has been the exclusive official iPhone carrier in China, and Apple's press release gives no indication whether the device will be expanded to new carriers there in October during the company's Q4 conference call that the company's revenues from China were up 270 percent year-over-year, with China accounting for 12 percent of all revenues during all of fiscal 2011.

According to Cook, Apple's growth in China is "growing at a feverish pace," adding that China is an "area of enormous opportunity" and that the country has now claimed Apple's number two spot in the list of top revenue countries. "How far can it go? Certainly in my lifetime I've never seen a country with as many people rising into the middle class who aspire to buy products that Apple makes," Cook said on the call. "In China, the sky is the limit there." That's why the official launch of the iPhone 4S in China will be a feeding frenzy. There are already plenty of iPhones of all generations in China because of the massive import market, but customers will undoubtedly prefer to buy their new iPhones directly from Apple.

Thanks for iPhone to Computer Transfer Club delivering this article.

