
Google + users ecceeds over 100 million; Growth rate far exceeds Facebook

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Facebook spent 4 years and the number of users reached 100 million, while Google only spent less than 1 year, he brought together over 100 million users

According to data released by Google + unofficial Statistics website Ancestry.com founder Paul Alan on Wednesday, Google 's social networking service Google + in the global user reviews have exceeded 100 million person-time, and still grow at 750 thousand users per day quickly.

Alan points out, although the Facebook global user number has exceeded 800 million, Facebook from February, 2004 to August, 2008 founded, spent 4 years with the number reaching 100 million. While Google only spent less than 1 year and he brought together over 100 million users. Obviously, Google's advantage is far more than the Facebook, because the Facebook at the beginning of the establishment, the main user is confined to groups of students, while Google has become the most influential in the world of search engine.

While Google CEO Larry Page once in January 19th officially announced the Google + users reached 90 million, then Google + users also increased by more than 10%, by the February 1st had reached 100.8 million. Since January 19th, it has grown 750,000 new users per day. According to this speed growth, until the end of the year, Google + users will reach 345 million. Alan thinks, Google has many loyal users, this year as Google Android 4 system introduced, Google + registration number and amount of use will be further significant growth. He is expected to end of the year, Google + users will reach at least 400 million people. Google in the week beginning on its search service integrated Google + social function, that appears to have obtained certain positive effect.

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