
How to Convert H.264 to WMV

Convert H.264 to WMV
Step 1: Add the H.264 files you want to convert
As you see in the image, click Add File button to add the H.264 file(s) you want to convert.
Step 2: Set output format
In the Profile drop-down list, choose "WMV - Windows Media Video (*.wmv)" format as output format. And there also provides WMV format in the format list for Archos, iRiver, Xbox and Zune users.
You can change the target file folder: Click Browse… button and set it in your way. Also to customize the output WMV files, you can set the output video parameters including video Encoder, Video Bitrate, Resolution, Frame Rate in Settings panel.
Step 3: Start the conversion
Just click Start button on tool bar to start the H.264 to WMV conversion.
A few minutes later, the H.264 to WMV conversion would be finished. Please click Open Folder button to open the destination folder and find the converted files. As you can see, Aiseesoft HD Video Converter makes the H.264 to WMV conversion much more easy and convenient. More details at: Convert H.264 to WMV.

